Si (1-bit computer)


Vitrine: Silicon, nitinol, copper, brass, wood, plexiglas, metal, electronics.

Drawing: Semi-logical diagram, print on Fine Art Rag pape.\ 80 x 200 cm.

The Si (1-bit computer) project is based on the physical decomposition of a logical system. The installation reveals the workings of our digital devices in a way that is both archaic and poetic. A tiny part of a binary system is extracted to perform 1-bit operations. The device proceeds by enlarging physical and temporal scales, stretching a logical operation over several seconds and amplifying the size of the components.

Matter is a central element of this project. It is based on the manipulation of a semiconductor: silicon (the main material used to manufacture transistors, forming the basis of digital electronics). The transistors are laid bare, in the form of pieces of silicon in their raw state. This title refers as much to the chemical symbol for silicon: Si14, as to the acronym used to designate computer systems in french (SI). It also suggests a form of logical (0 or 1) and energetic (+ and -) potentials.

The process operated by the machine is the computation of an image, each pixel of which is processed one by one. The image, without ever being revealed, remains in a state of latency. Shape-memory cables are connected to the silicon logic gates. These form and deform to make the operating process sensitive.

Project Project developed within the SACRe-PSL /EnsAD doctoral program.